Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Since moving in we have been renovating like crazy! We painted most of the rooms and had to put in new carpet(due to the original carpet dry rotting). We also had to replace the dishwasher and fridge. Despite the updates, we did our best to keep with the original integrity of the home. We really want it to seem authentic when people see it. Enjoy the photos.










Sunday, December 20, 2009

Farewell to our dishwasher...

Our dishwasher was used one time before it crapped out. It is just one more thing to add to our list of unexpected expenses. We were told it worked, but since the house had been vacant for over a year we knew there was a possibility it might not.

As soon as I started it up it began smoking and smelled like burning tires. Not good.
We ended up getting a new stainless steel one to match the stovetop and new fridge. This is it:

*UPDATE: Lowes came and measured for new carpet upstairs since the old shag had dry-rotted. New carpet will be going in late January. We found a retroesque patterned carpet that we love. It is the same color gold as the original shag and will go perfectly with the 1960's custom curtains and original cloth wallpaper.


Today we had the first snowfall of the season and my son was in HEAVEN! We have the BEST hill for sledding and the two fireplaces come in handy on these cold evenings. So cozy!

Friday, November 20, 2009

More Details

We have been doing alot of work to the house so please keep in mind these it is a work in progress. These are a few photos from along the way.

This is the new wallpaper we put up in the kitchen.

This is an example of the mess left under the old wallpaper.
We got this new stainless fridge and wanted to revamp the older appliances. I found a great paint that has actual stainless steel in it. Here are the finished pieces.

It could be worse...

Well, we officailly closed on the house and got right to work tearing the old carpet off the stairs. We were excited to find beautiful finished oak underneath; however, the good news ends there...

Our first big renovation began by stripping wallpaper in the kitchen. We immediately found unfinished drywall walls underneath. Our plan had been to prime and paint and spend about $50. We ended up doing a $350 wallpaper job to cover the mess underneath. Thank goodness my mom and her husband were visiting from northern California. They were alot of help.

Next, we had our shag carpet cleaned a few days after moving in. As it dried it began showing signs of dry rot and within 24 hours was literally breaking apart under our feet. We are looking at about $1,000 to replace it. Also, when they steam cleaned they used our outside water source that had not been used in over a year and had not been winterized. The pipe broke off in our wall and we had to call a plumber to the tune of $500. They also had to cut a hole in our livingroom wall to get to the leak! Patching that is our next fix. Grrrr!

While the plumber was at the house he looked at both toilets. He said they were outdated, had obsolete parts, and he was suprised they were not leaking by now. Of course I cringe at the cost it will be to fix them. I definitely DO NOT want to replace them. They match the bathrooms perfectly and are original to the house!

On a happier note, we got all of the rooms painted, carpet installed downstairs, and did alot of cleaning. Things are coming along fairly smoothly now. It could be worse.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Almost there...

Our closing it going to be this week! It is official. We did our final walk through yesterday and have mailed out our change of address cards. YIPPEE!!!

This week's finds...

We hit 2 estate sales this past weekend and bought a few items I thought were worth sharing. We paid $10 for the vintage atomic star burst TV trays. It's a set of 4 with the tray holder. We also got a few kitchen items. Didn't need them, but hated to pass them up for .50/each! We found 2 vintage velvet ship paintings in frames for $1/each. Lastly, I added another piece to my retro ashtray collection. It was $1.00.



The following photos were taken during one of our visits to the home. I will post better pictures after we close.